Friday 31 October 2008

American Boy

It's weird being a foreigner... Even though my parents came from Nigeria, I never felt less American than my friends... But now I have to get used to people turning their heads to see the owner of the funny accent when I speak in public... some people just look at me like I'm not speaking English at all... at first I kinda enjoyed sticking out a bit - now it's a little annoying having to answer dumb questions... The only part I do still like is dispelling myths and stereotypes people have about the Yanks... I thought they were jokes at first, but they really do think we're all 400-pound, shot-gun toting Nascar fans who don't know about anything outside the states. Some girl looked at me like I had magical powers because I knew who Nicolas Sarkozy is.... Sometimes I feel like I should just play into the stereotypes just to see what kind of reaction I get...

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